Quante cose belle si possono importare negli Stati Uniti! In particolare per la Florida ho creato la mia lista personale di idee:
- il gelato (solo e solamente il più buono dell'universo, quello di Jimmy - Muggia TS)!
- le ragazze italiane perchè... italian style, immer geil! :D
- i nostri formaggi e salumi artigianali (qua è tutto confezionato "a sottiletta", tutto industriale. Gli americani non sanno neanche che la mozzarella è tonda, ce l'hanno in dei sacchetti (!!!), tagliata a striscioline come il formaggio gratuggiato...non si può affrontare! E sa di tutto tranne che di mozzarella.
- lo stile/il design italiano. Vedo proprio bene qui qualche giovane architetto designer italiano (così, a caso mi vengono in mente Laura Enrico, Fabio Passon...;)).
- ...
Gli americani adorano tutto ciò che è italiano e per fortuna la gente oltreoceano non si informa molto della nostra politica interna, altrimenti saremmo gli zimbelli di tutto l'universo (ci siamo vicini comunque...). Vabbè, stavo dicendo che gli americani sono affascinati da tutto ciò che ha a che fare con lo stile, la cucina, la vita italiana e vedrei molto bene qui arredatori d'interni made in italy che aiutino i ricconi del posto a scegliere, con gusto, l'arredamento delle loro mega ville. Qua anche la casetta dell'operaio ha come minimo 13 stanze e 5 bagni e la qualità di vita media, a primo impatto, sembra molto più alta della nostra, nonostante anche qui dicano che ci sia crisi...dovrebbero sentire cosa dice la nostra radio allora, notizia di ieri: disoccupazione giovanile in Italia al 40%! Ahi ahi ahi...
Tutti in America come cinquant'anni fa! Come sarebbe bello se gli Stati Uniti aprissero di nuovo le porte e ci lasciassero entrare liberamente. Negli ultimi anni gli USA hanno invece adottato una politica molto più restrittiva nei confronti degli immigrati, questo probabilmente per tutelare gli americani stessi sul mercato del lavoro (cosa anche giusta a parer mio). Però NEVER GIVE UP! I modi legali per vivere in questo bellissimo Paese ci sono. Volete sapere come entrare negli Stati Uniti, i tipi di visti esistenti e leggere testimonianze di chi ce l'ha fatta? Continuate a seguirmi, ne parlerò nel mio prossimo articolo! ;)
International version
There are so many beautiful things you can import into the United States! In particular for Florida I created my own list of ideas:
- Ice cream (just and only the best, Jimmy's icecream) !
- Italian girls because... Italian style, immer geil! Well, you have to know some german to translate this here... :D
- Our artisanal cheeses and meats (everything here is packaged like "hamburger cheese" style, all industrial. Americans do not even know that real mozzarella has a round shape, they have it in bags, cut into strips such as grated cheese...! And it tastes like everything, except like mozzarella.
- The Italian style and design. In my opinion young Italian architects and designers would do great here (thinking about Laura Enrico, Fabio Passon ... ;)).
- ...
Americans love Italian things and culture, and fortunately people overseas do not get too informed about our domestic policy troubles, otherwise we would be the clowns of the whole universe (we're close anyway...). Oh well, I was saying that Americans are fascinated by everything that has to do with Italian lifestyle, cuisine, and so on...I think interior designers "made in italy" would have a lot of work here, helping people to choose the furnishing for their mega villas, with Italian taste. Here, almost everyone has at least 13 rooms and 5 bathrooms, and the quality of everyday life, at first glance, seems much higher than ours, even though Americans say they have crisis too... They should listen to what our radio says! Yesterday's news: youth unemployment in Italy reached 40%! Ahi ahi ahi...
It would be nice if the United States would open the frontiers once again and let us enter freely, like 50 years ago. In recent years instead, the U.S. has adopted a much more restrictive policy towards immigrants, probably trying to protect the jobs of the people who already are Americans (and actually I think they're right in doing so). But NEVER GIVE UP! There are legal ways to live in this beautiful country, and I'm going to talk about this, and much more, in my next article! ;)
Talk to you soon!
International version
There are so many beautiful things you can import into the United States! In particular for Florida I created my own list of ideas:
- Ice cream (just and only the best, Jimmy's icecream) !
- Italian girls because... Italian style, immer geil! Well, you have to know some german to translate this here... :D
- Our artisanal cheeses and meats (everything here is packaged like "hamburger cheese" style, all industrial. Americans do not even know that real mozzarella has a round shape, they have it in bags, cut into strips such as grated cheese...! And it tastes like everything, except like mozzarella.
- The Italian style and design. In my opinion young Italian architects and designers would do great here (thinking about Laura Enrico, Fabio Passon ... ;)).
- ...
Americans love Italian things and culture, and fortunately people overseas do not get too informed about our domestic policy troubles, otherwise we would be the clowns of the whole universe (we're close anyway...). Oh well, I was saying that Americans are fascinated by everything that has to do with Italian lifestyle, cuisine, and so on...I think interior designers "made in italy" would have a lot of work here, helping people to choose the furnishing for their mega villas, with Italian taste. Here, almost everyone has at least 13 rooms and 5 bathrooms, and the quality of everyday life, at first glance, seems much higher than ours, even though Americans say they have crisis too... They should listen to what our radio says! Yesterday's news: youth unemployment in Italy reached 40%! Ahi ahi ahi...
It would be nice if the United States would open the frontiers once again and let us enter freely, like 50 years ago. In recent years instead, the U.S. has adopted a much more restrictive policy towards immigrants, probably trying to protect the jobs of the people who already are Americans (and actually I think they're right in doing so). But NEVER GIVE UP! There are legal ways to live in this beautiful country, and I'm going to talk about this, and much more, in my next article! ;)
Talk to you soon!